The man, the Myth, the Legend
If you’ve spent any time in the Modern Methods taproom, you may have chatted with this handsome bearded gent over a pint or two. You probably noticed his dry sense of humor and impressive knowledge of beer. What you may not have known (because he certainly didn’t tell you) is that he is the genius behind the delicious brew in your glass. Meet our Head Brewer, Jeff Constantine.
Jeff started his beer journey in 2008 when his brother, Chris, needed some help with a brewing kit. Chris had his hands full with his young family, and an assist from his younger brother was in order. The beer was a stout or something, nobody remembers. What Jeff remembers is that he made alcohol, and he thought that was cool. In no time he had built a 12 gallon brewhouse, complete with a fermentation chamber, a modified Igloo cooler mash tun, a 4-tap kegerator, and a handmade bar in what many still remember as the hottest beer drinking locale in Lakewood, OH: The Brockley Bijou on Brockley Avenue.
Jeff won awards for his fine lagers and ales at competitions across the country, including a coveted title for Hop Fart Deluxe at Cleveland Craft Beer week. Over the years, he found kindred brewing spirits in his old high school buddies Joe Williams, Paul Hageman, and Adam Keck. Their passion for excellent beer inspired many late night text conversations discussing brewing theory, recipe formulation, and heated debates over the latest trends in craft beer. Their love for the craft pushed Jeff to form the (Jackson-Milton) Bluejays of Ohio Brewing Society, AKA The BOOBS. Ask around and you will even hear some stories of the fabled BOOBS Oktoberfest parties held each year at the Constantine ranch in Lake Milton.
Bijou Belgian Wit was one of Jeff’s favorite beer recipes to drink and brew. He always found its subtle but flavorful profile enchanting. It was one of his favorite beers to have while watching a Browns game on the TV with his trusty sidekick Zia next to him - she can be found on the label peeking her cute little head out the window. He loved how his guests at the Bijou could drink pint after pint of this delicate dance in a glass. Now, for the first time, you too can enjoy a glass of this magical brew.
Next time you see Jeff, raise a glass to him. We could not do it without him and his confident hand on the proverbial helm of the Modern Methods brewhouse.
Here’s to you, Jeffy!